
On the 20th January 1988, whilst driving on the Eyre Highway, Nullarbor, Australia Faye Knowles her 3 sons and the family dog, were travelling towards South Australia to visit some relatives.

As they were driving along they suddenly saw a strange light ahead of them. It was pale yellow and seemed to be zigzagging around. The object then shot straight towards the Knowles family and hovered right in front of the car. They described the object as looking like an egg in an egg cup.

After swerving and zigzagging themselves to try and get clear of the object they suddenly realised that the object was now hovering directly above their car. The Knowles family could hear a high-pitched humming sound as the car was being tossed from side to side by apparently very strong winds.

During this time they also noticed a terrible smell of electrical burning, and the car was filling up with a strange grey mist. All of a sudden they realised that the car was no longer touching the surface of the road. It seemed to be hovering a few meters up.

After a short while the car crashed back down to earth and crashed off the edge of the highway. Inside the car there was a fine sprinkling of powder and a the strange electrical burning smell.

They reported the incident to both police and UFO investigators, who took samples of the grey powder. The powder contained chemicals very similar to those that NASA use to coat the surface of the space shuttle.

One theory put forward was that they had been engulfed in a fierce and very unusual form of electrically charged tornado.

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